I got an large order of prints back from the lab on Tuesday and they all turned out darker than I expected which means my monitor is no longer calibrated correctly. So the photos I'm posting here, which look great on my monitor, may look too dark and even reddish to everyone else.
Last night was the monthly camera club competition night. The set subject was 'wildlife'. I wasn't very happy with my photos, none of them really stood out to me. Some of them were technically good but they didn't have that uniqueness I aim for or twist on the subject interpretation. I don't have a lot of opportunities to photograph wildlife so I couldn't reshoot them and I had to go with what I had. I did well though, 5 honours and 3 acceptances, and the judges comments were good. It was a big night with our best turn out this year. There were so many photos entered we couldn't display them all at once.
Next months subject is 'photojournalism' which will be a challenge.
Here's some of my winning photos from last night.
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