Another day of changing nappies.
Alex has a bit of a runny bum bug so we've been going through nappies like crazy since Saturday night. He is fine though. He is keeping his fluids up and is happy but now he is hungry and it's hard to find food that doesn't go straight through him. It's strange after all this time of obsessing about getting enough food into him, to find myself withholding food. Anyway he'll be fine. It looks like we'll be missing tomorrow nights camera club committee meeting though.
Mom and Dad brought Jennifer over to meet Alex yesterday. They went to Ikea first but we missed out because I'm trying to keep Alex a little quiet while he isn't eating, to save his strength. Alex of course loved having visitors and so did Tilly.
Mom brought over my slide film she had developed for me which I was excited about. I started this film the beginning of the year and it's taken me this long to finish it. It's the old story of film, when I have limited shots and am paying for film it takes me ages to finish a film. It didn't help that the camera broke in the middle of the roll. Well the focus went first early on but by the middle of the roll the camera was completely stuffed so I bought a new second hand camera and transfered the film over. The old camera was a Pentax and the new old camera is a Canon. It's interesting to see the difference in the slides. The first lot from the Pentax all look overexposed (and not all in focus) and the second lot have much stronger colours and may be underexposed. The overexposed shots could be a results of the problems I was having with the camera and they may have all been effected by the stuffing around we did with the lens off trying to diagnose the fault before we pulled the film out. The shots that look underexposed may not be once there's a projector behind them but I don't have a projector so I just don't know. I've scanned them on my flatbed scanner which doesn't give very good results. They all came out red from the scanner. Most of the shots were just snaps I took to finish off the film so I could find out if any of it worked but there's some a I really like.
It certainly makes me appreciate the ease of digital cameras but I like the challenge of slides. Now I know my new camera works I can load up another slide film and try to get some good shots.
Here's some of the photos after scanning.
I've kept them as close to the originals as possible but had to fix the colour from the scanner and the colours still look wrong to me.
Not all the photos I took were of Alex but all the ones I like are :)
I loooove this photo of him. Dirty face and all.
And look how young he was in this one. This shows how old the film was. This was last summer. I took this when I first suspected the camera was playing up. I needed to run off a few shots to test the camera so I pointed it at Alex with the on camera flash and just snapped.
These are from the 'use-up-the-film' shots during our garden makeover.
That's the end of the rake he was chewing on and thats a pebble he is putting in his mouth. Don't worry as soon as I realised what he was up to I stopped him.
Check out his new drinking technique. Anyone would think he has his Grandads drinking problem.
Such a grubby little man.
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