Well Mom and Dad should be almost in England by now if I've done my time conversions correctly. It's going to be strange without them. I've lost count of the number of times I went to call Mom today.
So the news for Mom 'cause I know she worries. I'm feeling better today and there's no sign of Alex or Graham coming down with it. I got a bit of sleep last night but mostly had the sweats all night so I still need a good nights sleep. I haven't thrown up at all today and I've been able to eat normally (slowly) which is a relief because I couldn't cope with the hunger pains and caffeine withdrawal headache on top of the tummy problems. Last night I went to bed just after 8pm then woke up about 10:30pm in desperate need of food and caffeine. So I had an iced coffee. Milk, coffee and icecream seemed like a really stupid idea but I guess my body knew what it needed because it stayed down and a few hours later the pain was gone and was able to go back to bed. I am soooo sore today though! My ribs (front and back), my chest, neck, shoulders etc all ache. I don't know if that's from throwing up so much or if it's from being all tense through a few sleepless nights of shivers and sweats. Graham even asked if I'd fallen over the toilet bowl and cracked my ribs. It hurts so much I have to breath shallowly and try not to cough or even sniff. I never knew shoulder muscles were used when sniffing. I've had to avoid picking Alex up today, except for the unavoidable like in and out of his cot, because it just hurts too much but probably a good thing to keep my germs away from him for a bit longer anyway. Hard to do when he is in the habit of demanding kisses and cuddles at random.
Critchon has settled in so well with Tilly, it's like they were never apart. She is following him every where, (mainly hiding in the laundry) and then when they think we're not looking they are chasing each other around. I forgot they used to do that (and drive me mad). I found a few scratches on Critchon's nose and ears but they are a few days old so not from Tilly.
Critchon really wants to go out so if it's a nice day tomorrow I'll go out with him when Alex is napping. I just want to be sure he will come back before I let him out. He spent most of the day on top of the washing machine. He is really not happy around Alex. He sleeps on his old chair when Alex is asleep but as soon as he hears Alex he bolts for the laundry. He was a bit slow at one point today and Alex trapped him behind the lounge and I had to distract Alex so Critchon could get out. Alex of course is very excited about the new meow and keeps yelling through the cat flat at him and then telling me all about it.
I showed Critchon that he could sleep on my bed (don't tell Tilly) but I forgot the baby monitor was on so as soon as Alex woke up Critchon freaked out and bolted for the laundry again.
Tonight when Alex went to bed Critchon joined us in the lounge but on his own chair. No cuddles from him yet but I did get a purr.
It rained today so Alex monkeyed around inside, and I mean monkeyed! He climbed everything! At one point he carried his red chair over to the dining table to see when I was doing. I was cutting up paper for Rameshs wedding invitations and didn't want Alex to help. He climbed up on his chair, demanded a kiss then slipped with one leg through the arm of the chair. The whole thing went over backwards into his blue trolley. So he ended up on his back in the trolley, arms, legs and head all hanging over the edges, with the red chair on top of him with one of his legs through the arm. He was like a turtle on it's back and couldn't get up. He wasn't upset about it so I left him for a min to see if he could puzzle it out. He couldn't so eventually he looked to me for help and I had to pick up him with the chair and then pull him out of the chair. Naturally he climbed back up all over again.
He played some more of his new game where he goes around pointing to things and I have to name them. He makes no effort to repeat things back to me during the game but at other times he repeats a fair bit. He is also a bit fascinated with hats at the moment. He came running to me this afternoon with a farmer from his lego set to tell me 'ha'. Yep the farmer is wearing a hat. He also found a cardboard box and put it on his head and told me it was a hat. He has been saying more S words today too, like star and square when we were playing with his shapes. Unfortunately they all come out sounding like 'sh!t' so we still have some work to do on that, hopefully before he sees a star or square in public. Though he ran his bike into the door today and I'm sure he said 'oh sh!t'.
Ok some photos from tonight.
Oh and Mom there's someone in Worcester selling a talking Teletubbie, can you pick it up for me? (that's a joke, it's a La La and I'd prefer a Dipsy).
Yes I can see you Alex! You know you shouldn't be up there. No point trying to hide in the shelf.
Ah now that's a well trained boy! Of course Critchon didn't like the very realistic sound effects Alex made to go with the vacuum.
Everyone has been making the most of Critchon's bed and scratching post except Critchon. Alex thinks it's his own little nest and when he sees Tilly in it he pulls it down.
He has been practicing sitting in his red chair. Sometimes he gets it right!
and some photos from Sunday.
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